Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday Blog Along #12

Whenever my guard slips, with three cats, this happens. They are always looking for an opportunity to run off with my yarn. And act in all innocence when they get caught, "What yarn? Oh, that yarn. No. I wasn't messing with it. Honestly."

I tried to start my official first pair of 2-at a time toe-up socks. The longest circular needles I have are 24" and my local yarn store (Micheal's :( ) doesn't carry anything over 24". We had three yarn stores once then Micheal's moved in and put them out of business. Now Micheal's doesn't stock half the stuff they used to. Very disappointing.

The pattern I'm hoping to work on soon is the Helix out of Toe Up 2 at Time Socks Melissa Morgan-Oakes. I did start the socks just to see how my new yarn would look. It's Stroll Fingering from Knit Picks in Tree Fort.

The yarn looks very lovely but, I can't continue on with these needles. The stitches on the sides are starting to stretch. Bummer. I hate waiting.

Currently, I'm reading Fitness Rx and Interweave Knits magazines. I'm still chugging away at Ghost Story by Jim Butcher and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. But, it is only in passing, a line here, a paragraph there. Just so much going on, I really don't have the time to do more than that.

This morning after waking Husband for work and making sure he was up and moving around, I fell back to sleep and dreamed that I was tired. In the dream I kept trying to find a place to lay down and take a nap but, people kept finding me and waking me back up. It got to the point in the dream, where I was running away from these people, desperately looking for a secluded place to sleep. When the alarm went off to get the kids up for school, it felt like I hadn't slept at all. You know you are really tired when your subconscious is trying to tell you to sleep. Today, looks like a nap day (I wish) :p

Now, for wonderful WIP viewing, hop on over to Small Things and Tami's Amis.


  1. Hahaha! I can just imagine that with a cat :) Luckily, my dogs are not magnetically drawn to the yarn like my mom's cats are. I have that 2AAT sock book too and it was very helpful!

    1. Years ago we had a dog that would get into my projects and yarn. Trust me doggies drool is much worse than some cat spittle :)

  2. Hmm, I'm on my fourth pair of cuff-down socks on DPNs, and I've been thinking about trying toe-up two-at-a-time. I'm sorry your current needle isn't working out! (But love the Tree Fort yarn.)

    1. I knitted a few pair of cuff downs before deciding to learn it toe up. For me it makes it a lot easier.

  3. Yes, definitely 40" needles are way better for those patterns. I'm sure you can find some online, but then you'll have to wait. I worked at Michaels as the knitting and crochet instructor for a while and was always amazed by the limited range of circular needle lengths they carried.

    I have a similar problem with my cat, except that instead of knocking my projects over, he just eats the yarn. So I'll come back to my project and the yarn will be soggy and cut off.

    1. Yeah, I have a cat that likes doing that too. And on occasion while knitting as the yarn is running through my hands I will hit a wet spot. Just ewww...

  4. The clover interchangeable set has a 36" and 48" cable, but I know that's a big investment. I have this book I'm going to try it out soon, is it a hard pattern to follow?

  5. I don't know if the Helix pattern is difficult or not yet. But, I did the tutorial at the front of the book, twice. And I found that it really helped me in understanding the construction of toe up socks. Once I start in on the Helix I'll let you know how it's going.

  6. I've heard that a lot of those larger stores (Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart) are really cutting down on their supplies. Honestly I'm a little relieved about that because I would much rather buy from a friendly (not biased against younger knitters) LYS.

    I totally get what you mean about the magic kitty drawing power of yarn. I love how they manage to get it tangled around things in ways that should be against the laws of physics.

    The new socks look great!

  7. Oh I hate waiting for needles. But what can you do, right? You've made a good start.

  8. I have been wanting to learn to knit socks from the toe up since my grafting is pretty scary,but still haven't tried it.
    I hear you about Michaels, it's just the same as Walmart!
    Have a happy day.
